Skinning the model - Part 1
As I have finished building the custom rig
(skeleton) for the model several weeks ago, I’ve now moved on to the skinning
phase of the project. However, before starting I have watched several tutorial
videos I’ve found on the internet to accustom myself with the controls and
various options first.
I have started the process by selecting all the bones but
the IK and FK ones, nubs excluded. To make it easier, I have saved the
selection so that I can select all the bones quicker next time. I have then added
a ‘Skin’ modifier to the model that bound the mesh to the bones. Now if I moved
the forearm bone, the model’s arm would have followed.
After binding the mesh to the bones, I have then started
the actual ‘skinning’ process. Now, there are several different ways in which a
model can be skinned:
- · Using envelopes
- · Weight painting
- · Working at a vertex level
It wasn’t long until I’ve encountered a small scale
problem under the form of several vertices crashing into each other due to poor
weighting, with a rather ‘unnatural’ looking mesh deformation as a result.
As I have never done this before, it took me a bit
to figure out that the weight distribution of the vertices should slowly
decrease instead of abruptly making the transition from 100% weighted vertices
to null vertices. In that regard, I have set the nearby ankle vertices to
slowly decrease from 100% to 75% of the weight and then ending with a few set
at 25%. The result was a smooth mesh deformation upon bending the ankle in
various positions.
I kept skinning the model, slowly increasing in
speed over time as I was gaining experience. The most difficult parts to skin I
reckon were the thighs, because of the large amount of mesh deformation that
has to take place upon lifting the legs. I ended up with this vertex weighting setup
for both legs of the model.
Doing so resulted in having decent mesh deformations
upon playing around with character’s right leg. Although things could
definitely see improvement, I am fairly happy with the current results after
trying out skinning for the first time ever.
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