Adding custom attributes and controllers - Part 2 Spine
In a similar fashion to the work I’ve covered last week, this week I have taken care of adding custom attributes and controllers to the upper body. At the end of this work session I had the spine, neck and head of the model rigged. The control shapes were the first to be added. I needed five different controllers affecting five different bones, some independently, some affecting two or more bones at a time. As seen above, these controllers were in order: COM controller (or the Master controller) – This controller serves as the main one: all the other (body) controllers have been linked to it. When moved, the whole body follows. The same is valid for rotation. Hips controller – This controller takes care of the hips movement (or the spine base). When rotated, the pelvis follows the rotation along with the hips. However, the first spine bone should rotate to a degree as well as a result. To get that effect, ‘Parameter Wiring’ has been used: a new Euler XYZ rota...