Refining the animation - Confident walk
The confident, bold walk is the third and last walk segment before the running animation. Here, the character adopts the personality of a celebrity or at least someone from the upper class in a society. The steps are long, knees are swivelled and feet are twisted towards the exterior. The chest is all the way up front, the shoulders are raised and the back is straight with the arms bent and fists clutching, executing an arching motion cycle. The walk strongly suggests superiority, confidence and boldness. That is the personality I wanted to convey through this walk animation. As I have previously said, this animation segment was the best realised one of them all and only required minor changes. The only issue I was able to identify was the simplicity of the walk, the lack of any secondary action. The character’s head was not moving throughout the entire animation segment, fact that made the model look rather stiff or rigid. I have decided to add to the personality of...